News and views
Discover the latest stories from our partners and the impact your generous donation is making for people and planet. And read our views on the issues facing our environment and the communities we work with.
The Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative Wins Whitley Fund for Nature Award
Co-founder and CEO, Makala Jasper, was singled out from more than 130 other applicants to receive an international conservation award from the Whitley Fund for Nature.
Severe Drought in Malawi: The Nkhata Bay Natural Way provides Long-term Solution
Programme Manager, Emmanuel Banda, said these challenging conditions only served to underline the importance of the NBNW project – because farmers were being trained to use agroforestry and a selection of tried and tested crops to achieve greater drought resilience.
First Trees Planted at Kenya Launch of 20 Million Trees Campaign
The Kenya launch of the 20 Million Trees for Kenya’s Forests Campaign was marked by spirit of celebration last week, with singing, dancing, poetry recitals – and the symbolic planting of the first 100 trees.
20 Million Trees Campaign Will Help Kenya to Meet Reforestation Targets
ITF’s 20 Million Trees campaign will play a vital role in helping to reverse deforestation and meet international commitments for sustainable development, Kenya’s ambassador to the UK, Mr Lazarus Amayo said last week.
ITF to Launch Biggest-Ever Initiative Next Week - 20M Trees for Kenya's Forests
The initiative will target degraded areas in all five of Kenya’s ‘Water Towers’, upland forests which are the source of all Kenya’s rivers and water supplies.
Trees: key to life in the Sahel
Last month ITF Vice Chair Prof Roger Leakey argued that ‘We cannot save Forests without Agroforestry’. The importance and potential of agroforestry were very clear when I recently visited Burkina Faso.
Moringa: the ‘Miracle Tree’
When analysed and broken down, the wealth of natural minerals and compounds contained within the plant read like a catalogue of some of the most important essential nutrients for human health and well-being.
Elm Trees Return to the English Countryside
An ambitious plan to bring back the majestic elm tree to the British countryside is well underway. With hundreds of elm saplings being planted in West Sussex by our partner, Conservation Foundation.
Progress Update from Soil and Oil Project, Ghana
News just in from our partner in Ghana, Sungmaale Integrated Herbalists Association (SIHA), funded through ITF Sustainable Community Forestry grant programme and Worktop Express.
Take a Leaf out of my Book – Growing the Tree Guardians of Tomorrow
Tree Power merges outdoor education and global learning. Whilst introducing kids to world issues such as global warming, the programme gives them the chance to be Tree Explorers, nurturing their appreciation and interest in trees from a young age.
Donate today to plant trees, restore forests and transform lives.
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