News and views
Discover the latest stories from our partners and the impact your generous donation is making for people and planet. And read our views on the issues facing our environment and the communities we work with.
Restoring the wetlands in Saiwa Swamp National Park
Thanks to your support of our 2021 Christmas Big Give Campaign, we’re planting trees to restore and protect the shrinking wetlands in Saiwa Swamp National Park, Kenya.
The Food Forest Update, Cameroon
The Dom Community Food Forest project is part of the long-term collaboration between Community Assistance in Development (COMAID) and ITF, which started back in 2015.
Severe Drought in Malawi: The Nkhata Bay Natural Way provides Long-term Solution
Programme Manager, Emmanuel Banda, said these challenging conditions only served to underline the importance of the NBNW project – because farmers were being trained to use agroforestry and a selection of tried and tested crops to achieve greater drought resilience.
First Trees Planted at Kenya Launch of 20 Million Trees Campaign
The Kenya launch of the 20 Million Trees for Kenya’s Forests Campaign was marked by spirit of celebration last week, with singing, dancing, poetry recitals – and the symbolic planting of the first 100 trees.
Trees: key to life in the Sahel
Last month ITF Vice Chair Prof Roger Leakey argued that ‘We cannot save Forests without Agroforestry’. The importance and potential of agroforestry were very clear when I recently visited Burkina Faso.
Elm Trees Return to the English Countryside
An ambitious plan to bring back the majestic elm tree to the British countryside is well underway. With hundreds of elm saplings being planted in West Sussex by our partner, Conservation Foundation.
Progress Update from Soil and Oil Project, Ghana
News just in from our partner in Ghana, Sungmaale Integrated Herbalists Association (SIHA), funded through ITF Sustainable Community Forestry grant programme and Worktop Express.
Coppicing in the Cwnbran Uplands
ITF are supporting a project to re-plant an acre of land with 600 new trees to create more diverse woodland with a mixture of hazel, beech and birch which will be coppice managed.
Young Eco Warriors Champion Trees at a Cheshire School
Young eco warriors are championing the cause for trees at Acresfield Community Primary School. ITF are supporting a project to plant 50 indigenous trees to help the school increase its woodland.
Sacred Trees at the Heart of Reforestation
170,000 trees will be planted in projects led by three community youth organisations. In this article we feature the work of the Kangema Youth Group.
Planting Elms in Sussex Stronghold
Over the next twelve months 120 English, Field, Wych and Huntingdon elms will be planted in three Sussex villages in the Cuckmere valley.
Fruit Trees and Ogbono Soup
Over the past 12 months, this project, in partnership with Women in Development and Environment (WIDE) has delivered a range of activities with local women and young people in Agwu, Nigeria.
Regreening Sokura: A Lasting Legacy
ITF provided funding for the Regreening Sokura project in Mali for three years from 2010 to 2013. The project was delivered by our partner, Sahel Eco.
Donate today to plant trees, restore forests and transform lives.
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