News and views
Discover the latest stories from our partners and the impact your generous donation is making for people and planet. And read our views on the issues facing our environment and the communities we work with.
Tree heroes: Dorothy Naitore
Dorothy Naitore, a passionate environmentalist from Meru, Kenya, is leading efforts to restore degraded forests and promote sustainable living.
Rediscovering ITF’s deep roots
We drove to the edge of the national forest in search of these trees planted back in 1956. And then, suddenly, we found them—majestic East African camphor trees, towering above us. Native to the region but increasingly threatened, these trees are known as “elephant medicine”.
A green haven in the desert
School children are growing up in a climate crisis, surrounded by news of rising temperatures, droughts, floods, and disappearing wildlife. But when they plant trees, they become environmentalists, working to create a greener future.
Celebrating meaningful change where it matters most
For over a century, a golden thread has run through our work – putting communities at the heart of restoration. We know that when we work hand in hand with local communities, supporting their vision for their landscapes, we see lasting change on the ground.
Our high tech helpers
At ITF, we know that empowering communities is essential for the success and sustainability of restoration efforts. From Kakamega rainforest to the great Imenti Forest, we work with local community groups to champion environmental monitoring.
On Twelve Trees and other books
After reading one of 2024’s best new books about trees, ITF Trustee, Stephen Barber, shares the many tree themed books he’s enjoyed, from sixty years ago through to his current reading list.
Two simple words: thank you
Your support is the foundation of a special partnership, one that brings together nature lovers, concerned citizens, local grassroots organisations, experts, and visionary communities. Together, we are helping to bring landscapes back to life.
10 ways to be more sustainable in 2025
Explore these 10 easy-to-implement ideas for creating a more planet-friendly lifestyle.
The glory of trees and the turning season
James reflects on the dazzling beauty of fleeting autumn colours.
Through the eyes of the Batwa Indigenous People
The Batwa Indigenous People guided our team through their ancestral home, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, showing them the place that was once their shelter, hunting ground and pharmacy.
Transforming Kenyan drylands with climate-resilient farming
Drought and degradation are common in the Kenyan drylands and climate crisis is making it worse.
But new methods are emerging, helping farmers and communities to thrive even in a changing climate.
The tragedy of the commons
Forests and habitats around the world are being devastated by the phenomenon known as the “tragedy of the commons”.
Seeds of change: Uniting communities for a greener, more prosperous future
Trees are changing some of Kenya’s most vulnerable regions, bringing energy, employment and new life.
Celebrating the restorative power of trees on Mazingira Day
Mazingira Day is a national day in Kenya for environmental awareness and tree planting. And it's a wonderful opportunity to highlight the remarkable transformation taking place in Kitui and Tharaka Nithi counties - regions particularly susceptible to the impacts of climate change.
Forest restoration sparks a waterway renaissance
The degraded Dundori Forest is beginning to thrive once again, its rivers and forests recovering thanks to community tree-planting.
I wish you could see it first-hand
I wish you could visit these areas and witness first-hand the transformation taking place. You would see the forests regenerating and farmers harvesting mangoes from trees they planted with ITF.
Restoring life to the River Lhubiriha: How community-led action is safeguarding a vital waterway
The River Lhubiriha is crucial for Ugandan communities, but it's struggling against the pressures of farming and deforestation. Communities have mobilised to protect this precious waterway.
Reviving our roots
Trustee Julius and the ITF team visit the projects fighting to restore one of Kenya's most treasured landscapes.
Restoration and recovery in the forests of West Pokot
Nestled in the scenic Kapenguria Forest of West Pokot, Kenya, a quiet transformation is unfolding.
The role of Indigenous People in conserving world heritage sites
Discover how three Indigenous communities are safeguarding some of our planet's most treasured landscapes.
Donate today to plant trees, restore forests and transform lives.
Your support makes a world of difference to our planet, thank you.