Reflecting on 2022

As the year draws to a close it’s a natural time to reflect on the passing year and look ahead to the year to come.

This year we celebrated 100 years of ITF and it was so encouraging to pick up such a sense of pride in ITF’s past achievements but also, compellingly, to see a strong vision for the coming century – a sense that it is organisations like ours, communities like ours, that have a crucial contribution to make in this period of climate crisis and insecurity.

 I look back on this year with gratitude. Where to start? Perhaps, with the local communities with whom we work. I was deeply struck by the organisation and sheer hard work that is involved with the whole restoration process – from growing seedlings to clearing overgrown sites to planting and nurturing, they are the heroes.

The tree count keeps rising as we head to the end of the year – when the rains are timely, where the frost permits, people are out there changing the landscapes they live in. Next year our ambition is rising – we see the need and we think we can grow to meet it.

I wanted to express gratitude to you, our supporters. Some of you have just come on board, some of you have been with ITF for many years – spreading the word, telling the story, and generously supporting the work on the ground. This year we raised more in the Big Give than we ever have – thanks to remarkable generosity in difficult economic times.

 I also want to thank a great staff team and committed trustees – bringing a combination of wisdom, knowledge and sheer hard work that allows us to do what we do.

Our golden thread that has run through our work for a hundred years is working with local communities to plant, protect and promote trees. That golden thread allows us to be laser-focused on making a difference in the world. That’s what we do, that’s what we’re about, and we know it makes a difference. In the past year we’ve supported so many communities in different countries from Zambia to Kenya, from Northern Ireland to Cornwall. Thank you so much for being part of it!

 Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


James Whitehead, CEO

James Whitehead is the CEO at the International Tree Foundation. James has twenty years’ experience in development and environmental work bridging community-led local action and international policy across multiple regions. He has had a number of high level roles in the third sector and is passionate about advancing social justice while addressing climate change.


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