Project update: Afforestation in favour of repatriated women

This project has seen some real successes for empowering repatriated women in Kazimia, Congo.

An area of 350 metres has been cultivated at Mwakilinda for the repatriated women to use and one tree nursery has transplanted  19,256 seedlings to date.

There have been training sessions focused on environmental conservation in three local villages: Kazimia, Mwakilinda and Nanwema.

Each female beneficiary in the group was able to plant 49 trees or seedlings during the course of the project. All 400 repatriated female beneficiaries have also received training on how to maintain seedlings and trees.

Our project partners, Baptist Association for Relief and Community Development (BCARCD), have successfully implemented most of the  project  as planned and continue to work to implement the remaining work.

This project has had an impact on the wider community as well as the immediate beneficiaries as knowledge has been shared with community members which has encouraged more tree planting in the area. Further training workshops are being planned for the local communities in the future.


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