A simple way to give through your pay that costs you less to give more.
Payroll Giving also known as Give as You Earn is an easy, secure and tax-efficient way of making a regular donation.
With Payroll Giving you can donate to the International Tree Foundation straight from your gross salary (before tax is deducted) giving immediate tax relief on your donations.
Anyone who pays UK tax through PAYE can donate through Payroll Giving.
Why give with Payroll Giving?
If you choose to donate through Payroll Giving, you have full control over how much you give. There is no income tax liability on your donation and you’ll pay less tax.
Donations made from gross pay are also more efficient as ITF doesn’t need to claim Gift Aid.
Payroll Giving is especially efficient for higher-rate taxpayers as we are unable to claim back tax above the basic rate through the Gift Aid scheme. Which means you can make a larger donation at a lower cost.
The tax relief you get depends on the rate of tax you pay
Donating £10 to plant trees will only cost you:
£8 if you’re a basic rate taxpayer
£6 if you’re a higher-rate taxpayer
£5.50 if you’re an additional rate taxpayer
Scottish rates of tax are slightly different
How do I set up Payroll Giving?
Payroll Giving is super easy to set up. Ask your payroll department, HR or CSR team directly for how to get started. Many companies will have an established scheme already, set up in partnership with a Payroll Giving Agency. If not, setting one up is quick and easy and can form an important part of your workplace’s Corporate Social Responsibility.

What are the benefits?
Payroll Giving is incredibly easy to set up and manage. Once you’ve signed up, your donation will happen automatically. And if you move jobs, your donation can move with you.
A regular gift decreases ITF’s administration and helps us plan ahead so your gift can plant even more trees
You receive tax relief on your donation right away, so it costs you less to give more.
No bank details required on sign-up.
You can choose to donate as much or as little as you like. And you can cancel, increase or decrease your gift at any time.
Your employer can match any donations you make, doubling your impact for our planet!
Your support makes a world of difference
Regular donations have a huge impact on our work. Payroll Giving is a great way to increase the impact of your gift. It means that we can plan ahead, reduce our administration and there are no Gift Aid forms to complete.
By donating a small amount every month through Payroll Giving, you'll be helping to plant trees in places where they make biggest difference and build a more sustainable future for all.