Threatened tree species training in Meru County, Kenya

In Kenya, there are 1,100 native tree species, of which 10% are threatened with extinction.

We are working with the communities and partners to ensure that none of Kenya’s tree species become extinct. Since June, we’ve been running training workshops on threatened tree species with BGCI.

The training helps participants to identify and monitor threatened species, collect seeds and include them in nurseries and reforestation projects to ensure their continued survival. Through this work we are securing the future of Kenya’s native trees while increase tree cover and forests.

We are happy to report that seedlings from the threatened tree species are already growing well in our nurseries.  

Watch: Training on threatened tree species in Meru

More about Meru County, Kenya

The forest in Meru, Kenya is rich in biodiversity with a drastic changes in vegetation as the altitude increases. The forest has both indigenous trees and plantations of exotic species. Of the indigenous trees in Meru, 16 species are threatened.

Sadly, due to high value timber in the forest and its proximity to Meru town, cases of wood poaching are high. But International Tree Foundation along with other partners and organisations like Mount Kenya Trust and Kenya Forest Services are committed to restoring the forest. In the past two rainy seasons more than 625 ha of forests have been reclaimed!


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