Rewilding in Northamptonshire

Rewilding is becoming more and more popular as the extent of the damage to our natural world becomes increasingly clear.

Rewilding simply means restoring a landscape back to its original glory. Sometimes, it’s as simple as leaving an area alone so that it can grow undisturbed. Other times, it’s a costly process of removing invasive species and reintroducing native plants and trees.

Rewilding creates landscapes and ecosystems that are more biodiverse, resilient, and healthy. One of our UK planting projects has helped to do just this.

This month, we joined with Creating Natures Corridors and our friends at the UPS Foundation for a tree-planting event in Northamptonshire to rewild an old field through tree planting.

Together with local volunteers, UPS employees, their families, children and even a few dogs we planted over 500 native UK trees.

“Not only did the volunteers bring bountiful amounts of energy and positivity to the day, but the fact everyone committed to use their much-deserved Saturday off, set off a strong community essence!” said Dehaney, who helped organise the day.

“The aim of this project was to plant native trees and give nature that small boost to promote rewilding and all its benefits, like purifying the air, promoting biodiversity and helping to prevent soil erosion.”

Soon this project will be expanded to develop community fruit trees and herb gardens, providing access to fresh produce for the local community.


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