On a mission to replenish Kitui County

Climate change has taken a toll on Kitui County, leaving local communities grappling with the fear of food insecurity and watching in horror as their rivers and streams dry out.

But we’re on a mission to plant trees with the local community that help reverse the damage.

Planted and counting

Already the community has planted 50,765 trees this past year. And they’re not done yet. Another 100,000 more will be growing by 2025.

But it’s no good to just plant trees, we need to the reforestation efforts carry on for generations. And for that, you need a steady supply of tree seedlings. Thanks to four new tree nurseries, community members can raise native and threatened tree species which will later be planted across Kitui county, restoring wildlife habitats and helping keep water in the ground.

Some of the saplings from the nursery have been sold, bringing in money for the community too. Because this makes a real difference to the community, we’re offering training and resources so anyone who wants to can set up their own tree nurseries.

Empowering the next generation of environmental stewards

The work in Kitui expands beyond tree planting - it’s also about promoting environmental conservation in local schools.

Thanks to a recently launched environmental club at St. Peters Koma primary school in Ikanga, the next generation is learning about the power of trees and what they can do to protect and care for their precious environment.


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