2022 UK Community Tree Planting Grant – learn more before you apply

Applications are now open for the 2022 UK Community Tree Planting grant cycle!

The UK Community Tree Planting programme (UKCTP) supports grassroots community led projects that conserve, restore and protect native trees and woodlands whilst encouraging community engagement in tree planting and conservation.  

Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their applications on or before the deadline on Friday 16th December 2022.


Q. What are the eligibility guidelines?  

A. You can find the eligibility guidelines in the Grant Guidelines Document which can found in the Application Pack.

Your application

Q. Can we submit an application after the deadline has passed? 

A. Yes, though this is less likely to be accepted for funding. But not impossible – we often get last-minute donations that could fit well with your last-minute application. 

Q. We have an application that we want to submit to other funding bodies, is this allowed? 

A. Yes, this is allowed but we would need assurances that the project was not being double funded

Q. Can we apply for a grant to top-up an already existing grant by another funder? 

A. Yes. Please make sure to declare any existing funders in your application.

Accepting your grant

Q. When can we expect to get feedback on our application?

A. All applicants will be notified of the outcome within 6 weeks of their application.

Q. When can we expect to receive the funds? 

A. You can expect to receive your funds 6 weeks ahead of your scheduled planting dates. 

Managing your grant 

Q. Are there any policies on amending budgets? 

A. Budgets can be amended, but only after consultation with ITF staff.

Q. There is an underspend on our grant and we would like to use this on other project areas, is this possible?

A. We are usually happy for your remaining funds to be spent on other areas of your project. If this occurs, please consult ITF staff. 

Q. We are late in submitting a report. What will happen? 

A. We understand that there may be reasons for late reporting. Please communicate these reasons to ITF. 

Q. We would like to apply for an extension on our grant, is this possible? 

A. We understand that delays can happen. Please communicate such delays as soon as possible to ITF and we will make arrangements for the extension. 

For any questions regarding the UKCTP Programme and the grant application procedure, please send us an email at programmes@internationaltreefoundation.org


How to apply

For more details on how to apply for the 2022 UK Community Tree Planting grant cycle.


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