

The destruction of trees and forests is devastating for wildlife, biodiversity and the people who rely on them.

But ITF works with communities across Africa to plant trees and restore landscapes.

We know that successful and sustainable tree planting depends on community involvement. Which is why all our projects are designed and run by local groups.

Our work has always been about more than just planting individual trees.

It is about empowering communities to protect and benefit from their landscapes. It’s about stopping threatened species from going extinct and reversing biodiversity loss. It’s about gender justice and giving people the tools to transform their lives.

We work with local community groups that:

  • Conserve, restore and protect indigenous trees and forests, ensuring they thrive and flourish.

  • Support community-led natural resource management and regeneration to promote reforestation.

  • Improve nutrition, food security and livelihoods through the sustainable use of forests and trees.

Planter in focus: Joseph Mwangi

Joseph saw trees reducing in Kenya first-hand, and wanted to take action. Working with youth groups, women’s groups, schools, and more, he founded one of ITF’s partner organisations – Globe Gone Green.

Since working with ITF, Joseph has inspired thousands of young children to become tree planting enthusiasts, seen women increase income for their families and helped people turn degraded areas into flourishing and vibrant landscapes.

It’s always exciting to revisit planted trees and find them taken care of and growing well. This shows me the people trained to plant and take care of them learnt well and took it to heart.

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Plant trees and restore forests today

Can you imagine a world without trees? Neither can we. Your support today can plant trees, bring forests back to life and help nature recover for people and planet.